Evolution mask
Evolution Mask is the first filtrating face mask made with the innovative polyurethane yarn TPU Evolution®, in combination with the high performance bacterio-static poliammide 6.6 Qskin by Fulgar.
Evolution Mask has great breath-ability, absorbs, expels excess sewat and heat thanks to the characteristics of TPU Evolution® and Qskin by Fulgar, moreover it has an incredible soft touch.
Evolution Mask is permanently odor control, antimicrobial and antibacterial thanks to the production technology "Polymeric Matrix" with silver ions (Bacterial breakdown Gram+ and Gram- over 99.9%)
Evolution Mask is tridimensional, produced on linear knitting machines making very comfortable. Thanks to its shape, in addition to promoting breathing, it is gently adaptable to the face without any contact with the mouth. The face mask has no underwires, it's easily adjustable thanks to the adjustable bands behind the ears or behind the head.
Evolution Mask is reusable and certified to withstand up to 100 washes at 60°C even with bleach, keeping unaltered its antibacterial characteristics, dimensions and the colors are always perfect! The absence of migration of silver fillers from the yarn to the skin prevents the onset of allergies "Non Leaching Technology".

Coatyarn is not a face mask producer. We will share the know-how with any client wishing to manufacture high performances face masks.
For more information on the materials, contatc: info@coatyarn.com
For more information on the device, contact: info@lotustransfers.de